If you’re nearing age 65, you’re probably considering your Medicare enrollment options. The standard coverage beneficiaries receive is Medicare Parts A and B, known as Original Medicare. Part A includes coverage for hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and hospice care while Part B includes doctor visits, outpatient therapy, ambulances, and medical equipment.
Travel Tips for Seniors
Looking for a fountain of youth? I’ve long noticed that older travelers seem younger than average in their appearance, attitudes, and energy levels. Travel is an excellent way to stay young in spirit — and many senior adventurers are proclaiming, “Age matters only if you’re a cheese” as they plan their next trip (and the one after that).
Do I Need to Do Anything Else After Medicare?
If you’ve recently enrolled in Original Medicare, congratulations! Now is a good time to learn about the different parts of Medicare, so you can understand what your benefits include and decide if you want to sign up for additional coverage.
Top 5 Regrets People Have About Retirement
When was the last time you got a do-over? Maybe you took a mulligan in your last game of golf, or you had the chance to revamp a project at work for better results. Unfortunately, financial mulligans are few and far between, and are almost nonexistent when it comes to retirement.
5 Tips to Prevent Retirement from Scaring You
Retirement is an exciting time for most people; it means more time to relax and spend time doing hobbies you enjoy. However, not everyone looks forward to retirement. Once your full-time income disappears or lessens, it can be really scary if you haven’t saved enough to live comfortably
Medigap vs. Medicare Advantage: What You Need to Know
Like any massive insurance enterprise, Medicare is confusing. Medicare.gov offers hundreds of pages of explanation, but luckily the basics of the program aren’t difficult to grasp. As the cliché goes, however, the devil is in the details.
5 Essentials to Consider When Reaching Retirement Age
While retirement is supposed to be a relaxing reward after decades of work, it can only become that if you put in some planning ahead of time. No matter how far away that retirement date seems, it pays to be thinking about these 5 things now.
Top Hobby Ideas for the 65 and Over Crowd
It’s important for older people to remain social and active in order to avoid boredom or loneliness, and perhaps more importantly, to help reduce the risk of health problems. Maintaining a hobby is the answer and we have put together a list of our top 10 hobby ideas to help give older people some inspiration.
12 Things You Must Do as Soon as You Turn 65
Turning 65 isn’t entirely pleasant — there are definitely some medical conditions and things happening to your body you’ll want to be aware of. But as long as you prepare properly, you’ll be able to handle whatever comes your way. These are 12 of the things you need to do as soon as you turn 65 years young.
Medicaid vs. Medicare: What’s the Difference?
While they sound alike, Medicare and Medicaid are two different programs. Both can help you pay for health care and medical expenses, but Medicare is an age-based federal health insurance program that guarantees coverage for individuals ages 65 and over and some younger people with disabilities.