Many seniors are no longer working and don’t have an income source. This can be a stressful factor to adjust to as you have only a fixed budget each month from savings and retirement funds. There are plenty of ways to save money that won’t leave you wishing you could go back to work. Here are a few ways to save money:
Benefits of Medicare Supplemental Insurance
If you are a senior on Medicare, you probably already know that it does not provide all the health insurance coverage you need — this is where a Medicare supplement plan, also sometimes referred to as Medicare gap coverage, comes in. There are many different plans of gap coverage you can purchase to help supplement the medical expenses Medicare will not cover.
Healthy Diet For Seniors – Find Healthy Food Tips and Recipes
Do you know that many senior citizens are not able to eat a healthy diet, due to many reasons? The main cause of this is their busy schedule. They are usually not in the habit of eating healthily because they cannot afford to spend money on a healthy diet for themselves.
Need Affordable Medicare Supplement Insurance? Find Out Where You Can Get Cheaper Premiums
Are you looking for an affordable Medicare supplement health insurance plan? Medicare Supplemental Insurance (MSA) and its many variants are common to every doctor and hospital.
Health Tips for Seniors
It is true that many senior citizens are more susceptible to illness because of their advanced age. Even though there are many seniors who maintain a healthy weight, some still experience illnesses and other health problems due to obesity. The following few tips are aimed at helping you achieve healthy aging for seniors.
Medicare Supplement Plans – Save Money with Health Insurance!
Medicare supplement plans are a great alternative to having a long-term health insurance plan. Many individuals do not have enough money to pay for health insurance, so they decide to get the insurance through the government’s Medicare program.
5 Tips for a Happy Retirement
When planning for retirement many retirees and soon-to-be retired boomers are concerned about the financial aspects of retirement planning, but often don’t focus on retirement living.
What is a Medicare Supplement Plan?
If you’re approaching your 65th birthday and starting to research options for Medicare, navigating through all of your new health care choices can be overwhelming.
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period: Get Your Questions Answered
The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period) isn’t as well known as the Annual Election Period, but you can make many of the same changes.
Top New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors
Each New Year is a gift. It’s another opportunity to take stock of our lives and decide what we’d like to change. We can make changes large and small. We’ve gathered here 12 New Year’s resolutions specifically for seniors, including practical resolutions.