About Us

Senior Healthcare Team Insurance Agency is a family owned and operated national independent insurance agency that provides unbiased assistance and support in helping seniors and their loved ones in comparing and selecting Medicare Supplement insurance that best fits their needs and budget.

Our goal is to provide peace of mind by easing the burden and confusion for people entering into their retirement with the important decision of securing quality, low-cost healthcare.

Senior Healthcare Team was formed by David M. Lasman.  As a real estate broker since 2000, “Medicare Dave” saw many people who had been negatively affected by changes in the economy, where the impact of the banking crisis caused too many folks to struggle to keep their homes or make substantial lifestyle changes.

For the majority of people entering into retirement age, the choices in selecting the right healthcare plans through Medicare can be overwhelming, confusing and downright stressful. Many aren’t aware that there are some significant timeframes and enrollment windows which must be adhered to or they are at risk of losing some very important benefits that can affect the quality of their healthcare for the rest of their lives.

Medicare Dave saw an opportunity to help more people by providing a higher quality service that was lacking in the insurance industry.  After forming his own independent insurance business, which represents the vast majority of insurance providers who offer Medicare Supplements across the United States, Medicare Dave and the Senor Healthcare Team have been able to provide quality, unbiased support and guidance in helping people to choose the most suitable insurance coverage tailored to their specific circumstances and budget.  We accomplish this through education, qualification, shopping the market for our clients and helping them to compare the pros and cons of all their options so they are in the very best postion to choose the plan the best suits their needs.

Since we are independent, we are not loyal to any one insurance company.  Our loyalty is to our clients.  Our goal is to educate folks and provide them with all the information they need to make the best, most informed decisions regarding their healthcare.  We are here to serve as a single point of contact and advocate for all oour clients’ healthcare needs.  We walk you step-by-step through the entire process of enrollment and we follow up continually to make sure that as your needs change in the future, your insurance coverage changes with you so you always have the best fit coverage.

We believe in offering what is best for our clients, not what is best for agents or the insurance companies.  All of our services are 100% free of charge.

David M. Lasman
Toll-Free: (866) 333-7430 x 101
Direct:  (954) 465-5597

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